Brand: Mixa Bebe
MIXA BEBE Very Gentle Baby Shampoo
MIXA BEBE Very Gentle Baby Shampoo the 300mL bottle
适合 1 至 3 岁幼儿的奶粉食品
受 60 年母乳研究的启发,实验室 GUIGOZ 已经开发的 GUIGOZ OPTIPRO Growth 是首个蛋白质含量比牛奶少 3.3 倍的配方*,并结合了维生素和矿物质,可满足 1 至 3 岁婴儿多样化饮食的需求。*与 UHT 半脱脂相比牛奶,Ciqual 2017
成分:全脂牛奶、脱脂牛奶、乳糖、植物油(油菜籽、高油酸向日葵、向日葵)、脱盐乳清、碳酸钙、乳化剂(大豆卵磷脂)、酸度调节剂(磷酸钾、酸性柠檬酸)、2'-岩藻糖基乳糖、维生素(C、核黄素、A、D、B12)、硫酸亚铁和硫酸锌、抗氧化剂(富含生育酚、L-抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯的提取物)、罗伊氏乳杆菌 DSM 17938* 培养物、碘化钾。 *在 Biogaia AB 许可下。
大豆 - 乳糖
Brand: Mixa Bebe
MIXA BEBE Very Gentle Baby Shampoo the 300mL bottle
the pack of 4 jars of 130g
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Powdered baby milk from 6 months 2nd age - FLM Combiotic HIPP the 800g box
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Thickened powdered baby milk from 6 months 2nd age - NUTRIGEST Combiotic HIPP the 800g box
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Thickened powdered baby milk from 0-6 months 1st age - NUTRIGEST Combiotic HIPP the 800g box
the set of 2 jars of 130g
the set of 4 cups of 100g
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Baby compote from 6 months multipack pouches 4 varieties Organic HIPP 8 gourds of 90g