Café instantáneo de achicoria y fibra de achicoria
RICORE, el sabor del buen humor! Descubre el sabor único de RICORE: la alianza entre la fuerza del café y la dulzura de la achicoria. Ya sea en casa, en la oficina o de viaje, hay muchas ocasiones diferentes para disfrutar de RICORE. Y con todas nuestras recetas (Original, Leche, Capuchino o Oscuro Intenso), ¡no dudes en variar los placeres!
Ingredientes: Café soluble 33,2%, fibra de achicoria (oligofructosa) 33%, achicoria soluble 30%, sulfato de magnesio.
Brand: HiPP
Baby food jars from 12 months tagliatelle spinach cheese Organic My good night dinner HIPP the 2 pots of 250g
Brand: Mikado
Mikado LU Milk Chocolate Covered Cookies The 2 boxes of 90 g
Brand: HiPP
Baby meal from 12 months spaghetti tomatoes mozzarella Organic My good night dinner HIPP the 230g plate
Brand: Jardin Bio
Couscous cooked with organic vegetables
Brand: Mixa Bebe
MIXA Very Gentle Hypoallergenic Baby Body & Hair Gel the 300mL bottle
Extra milk jam REFLETS DE FRANCE the 315g pot
Brand: Nos Régions ont du Talent
4 BUCKWHEAT CAKES OUR REGIONS HAVE TALENT Water, buckwheat flour 47%, Guérande salt. Traces of gluten, milk and eggs
Brand: Liebig
Tomato and vermicelli soup
Brand: Nos Régions ont du Talent
TRIPES CAEN STYLE OUR REGIONS HAVE TALENT Beef stomachs and feet* 72%, water, carrots* 3.4%, onions* 2.7%, flavored wine, salt*, Calvados*, sweet pepper, spice and aromatic plant extracts, acidifier: citric acid, garlic. *Origin France.
caja de 100 g