Pasta biologica Les Crozets ALPINA SAVOIE
Pasta biologica Les Crozets ALPINA SAVOIE la scatola da 400 g
Mackerel fillets in white wine and Saupiquet herbs are tender and moist mackerel fillets with a light marinade in white wine that will appeal to all gourmets! Available in several formats.
Ingredients / Composition
Mackerel fillets (60%), water, herbs (10%: gherkin, carrot, red pepper, onion, parsley), alcohol vinegar, white wine vinegar, white wine (1.8%), salt, flavourings.
ConsoTrust-AllergoBox is a partner dedicated to allergies and diets. The information displayed is updated regularly with our partner to enable you to identify the products compatible with your allergies and/or diets.
Advice & Consumer Info
After opening, please keep the product in appropriate food packaging, in the refrigerator (0 to 4°C) and consume it within 48 hours.
Consumer service: 0 805 16 26 36 ALLEE DE KERGOLVEZ 29000 QUIMPER . Operator department: SAUPIQUET Alley of Kergolvez 29000 Quimper
Innit Score
To customize your innit scores, log in with your user account.
© SourceInnit
The Nutri-score allows you to identify the nutritional quality of the product at a glance. You can thus identify the products to be preferred and those which are to be consumed occasionally or in small quantities.
To classify each product, research teams have developed a score which takes into account, for 100 grams of product, the content:
Suitable for consumers who choose a diet limiting gluten intake (gluten is a set of proteins present in the seeds of certain cereals: mainly wheat, rye, barley, oats). The mention "gluten-free" is strictly governed by European legislation: it can only be indicated on products containing no more than 20 mg/kg of gluten.
According to European legislation, "sugar-free" products do not contain more than 0.5 g of sugar per 100 g or 100 ml of product.
Pasta biologica Les Crozets ALPINA SAVOIE la scatola da 400 g
Marca: Regilait
REGILAIT Latte intero in polvere La scatola da 300 g
Marca: KNORR
Zuppa disidratata.
Confezione speciale Foie gras LES SAVEURS DE MAMIE Scatola di selezione da 4 caramelle 40g
Marca: Saint Mamet
Bigarreaux con noccioli preparati
Marca: Benedicta
Salsa gourmet al formaggio erborinato BENEDICTA il vaso da 260 g
BONNE MAMAN Marmellata di latte il barattolo da 380g