With whole tuna au Naturel Pêche Française, Saupiquet guarantees 100% fish caught by French boats. Find all the softness and flavor of Albacore tuna.
Ingredients / Composition
Yellowfin TUNA**, water, salt.
**Thunnus albacares
FishAdvice & Consumer Info
After opening, please keep the product in appropriate food packaging, in the refrigerator (0 to 4°C) and consume it within 48 hours.
Operator service: SAUPIQUET Allée de Kergolvez 29000 Quimper
The Nutri-score allows you to identify the nutritional quality of the product at a glance. You can thus identify the products to be preferred and those which are to be consumed occasionally or in small quantities.
To classify each product, research teams have developed a score which takes into account, for 100 grams of product, the content:
Marque: KNORR
Bouillon de légumes déshydraté à teneur réduite en sel¹ aromatisé.
Marque: Panzani
Pâtes alimentaires de qualité supérieure
Pâte à tartiner bio noisette cacao LUCIEN GEORGELINle pot de 280 g
Marque: l'Apiculteur De nos Terroirs
Miel liquide l'Apiculteur De nos Terroirs Le pot de 500g
Marque: Jardin Bio
coquillettes semi-complètes bio
Marque: Jardin Bio
Pulpe de tomate à la purée de tomates bio
Marque: MAGGI
Préparation culinaire gelée au Madère MAGGI les 2 sachets de 24 g
Marque: LIPTON
Concentré Lipton Ice Tea saveur Citron
Marque: MAGGI
Bouillon volaille dégraissé MAGGI la boite de 12 - 120 g
the 2 boxes of 93 g