Storage: The salt can be stored indefinitely, away from humidity. After each use, remember to close the bag tightly.
CMI Consumer Service
TSA 91431
91343 Massy CEDEX
N°Cristal 09 69 39 22 44 Non-surcharged call
The Nutri-score allows you to identify the nutritional quality of the product at a glance. You can thus identify the products to be preferred and those which are to be consumed occasionally or in small quantities.
To classify each product, research teams have developed a score which takes into account, for 100 grams of product, the content:
The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) identifies an agricultural product, raw or processed, whose quality, reputation or other characteristics are linked to its geographical origin.
To qualify for obtaining this official sign linked to quality and origin (SIQO), at least one step in the production, processing or development of this product must take place in this delimited geographical area.
The rules for drawing up a PGI are set out in specifications and are subject to control procedures, implemented by an independent body approved by the INAO.
CHARLES ANTONA extra orange Corsican jam the 350g pot
Brand: Jardin Bio
Double organic tomato concentrate
CHARLES ANTONA Corsican clementine jam the 350 g pot
LUCIEN GEORGELIN wild blueberry jam the 320 g pot
Brand: Saint Mamet
4 fruit cocktail prepared with its naturally occurring peach and pear juice
Brand: Saint Mamet
Preserved sliced mangoes
Brand: Regilait
REGILAIT Semi-Skimmed Powdered Milk The 300 g box
1kg bag