Doce Intenso de Mirtilo e Groselha Preta BONNE MAMAN
Doce Intenso de Mirtilo e Groselha Preta BONNE MAMAN o pote de 335g
Rhubarb Extra Jam reduced in sugar, i.e. 30% less sugar than traditional jam.
Thanks to its inimitable know-how and the quality of its ingredients, Bonne Maman offers you the best through authentic and gourmet recipes, for your greatest pleasure, quite simply. Bonne Maman has made its new recipes for jams intense in fruit and less sweet, just like at home. She has selected for you the most beautiful fruits and just enough sugar to reveal all their richness of taste. A "haute couture" experience, even more intense in fruit thanks to a gentler and shorter cooking time, and to pieces that are still just as generous and tender, to simply treat yourself!
Doce Intenso de Mirtilo e Groselha Preta BONNE MAMAN o pote de 335g
as 2 latas de 56 g líquidas escorridas
Marca: Regilait
Leite Condensado Sem Açúcar Nuage De Lait REGILAIT 10 xícaras de 7,5g
Marca: Panzani
Molho de tomate cozido com manjericão
Marca: MAGGI
Caldo de aves desengordurado orgânico MAGGI a caixa de 80g
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Sopa desidratada
Marca: AMORA
Maionese Dijon 5 ingredientes AMORA A garrafa de 395g
335g jar