Bio-Klementinenmarmelade aus Korsika CHARLES ANTONA
Bio-Klementinenmarmelade aus Korsika CHARLES ANTONA
Cider Vinegar sweetened with concentrated apple juice, a delicious combination of exceptional cider vinegar with a fruity aroma and concentrated apple juice. For nearly 270 years of creative tradition and know-how, Maison Maille has been driven by a passion for exploring flavors and growing them for cooking. Founded by Antoine-Claude Maille, a master vinegar maker, he opened his first condiment shop in Paris in 1747, where you can discover the richness of his flavored mustards. He then became the official supplier to the court of King Louis XV and thus rose to fame. Heirs to a creativity cultivated for nearly 3 centuries, the chefs of Maison Maille design each recipe as a work of culinary art. Their obsession: to explore, select, and combine the best ingredients to bring their extra soul to each recipe. The Maille condiment is the touch that awakens and reveals the beauty of a dish. A touch of creativity that heightens taste, increases pleasure and satisfies the most demanding gourmets. Maille brand products invite you on a journey into the world of flavors. With as passengers of choice: know-how, passion for detail, the art of nuance and refinement. For an immersive experience in the Maille universe, visit our boutiques in Paris, Dijon and Bordeaux
Bio-Klementinenmarmelade aus Korsika CHARLES ANTONA
Marke: AMORA
Knoblauchsauce im Mayonnaise-Stil AMORA die 252g-Flasche
Marke: MAGGI
MAGGI dehydrierte Hühnerfadennudelsuppe der 65-g-Beutel
Marke: KNORR
Gewürz aus dehydriertem Knoblauch und Petersilie, aromatisiert.
Marke: ZAKIA
Halal-Bolognese-Sauce mit Rindfleisch ZAKIA das 400-g-Glas
Marke: SAMIA
SAMIA würzige marokkanische Halal-Sauce die 353 g Flasche