Marca: AMORA
Maionese Dijon 5 ingredientes AMORA
Maionese Dijon 5 ingredientes AMORA A garrafa de 395g
Fall for the Knorr ® Organic Béchamel liquid sauce with its rich and creamy texture that will deliciously accompany potato or cauliflower gratins or your lasagnas. Nutri-Score C, it is prepared using ingredients from organic farming and is free of flavor enhancers, colorings and preservatives. The Knorr® sauce carton is certified by the FSC® label, their cardboard comes from sustainably managed forests and other controlled sources. Quick and easy to use, simply pour the contents of the sauce carton onto your pasta or cooked vegetables and brown in the oven at 180°C for around 30 minutes. A real treat for the whole family! Also discover our Knorr® Organic Pepper Sauce to vary the pleasures. Knorr® is working for a sustainable food future for you and the planet: More than 95% of our agricultural ingredients are already sustainably grown. We now want to act to gradually change our diet towards more diversity, more plants and more vegetables. Thanks to our products, recipes and advice, we want to help you make small daily changes that make all the difference. Together, let's build a better food future!
Marca: AMORA
Maionese Dijon 5 ingredientes AMORA A garrafa de 395g
Marca: Regilait
Leite Condensado Sem Açúcar Nuage De Lait REGILAIT 10 maxi xícaras de 14g
Geléia de mirtilo 70% LEONCE BLANC o pote de 320 g
Marca: Tuc
Aperitivo biscoitos biscoitos Original Tuc LU O sachê de 100 g
Marca: MAGGI
Macarrão Asiático Frango Teriyaki MAGGI a caixa de 75g
Geléia de laranja cozida em caldeirão LUCIEN GEORGELIN o pote de 320 g
Marca: MAGGI
cubos de caldo de legumes com sal reduzido MAGGI a caixa de 120g
Marca: Saint Mamet
Damascos meio frutados em conserva
Marca: Jardin Bio