Discover the Knorr ® Three Pepper Dehydrated Sauce, an essential product that will become your little secret for even tastier dishes! This sauce is delicately flavored with green, black and white peppers: a blend that will allow you to enhance the flavors of all your dishes. It is prepared without flavor enhancers and without artificial coloring. This pepper sauce is ideal to accompany a grilled flank steak, a roast veal, pork chops or a duck breast. Quick and easy to use, enjoy a gourmet sauce in a few minutes: Dilute the contents of the sachet in 200 ml of cold water. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and stir regularly for 1 minute. Discover the rest of our range of Knorr® dehydrated sauces: Béchamel, Chasseur, Sorrel... Knorr® works for a sustainable food future for you and the planet: More than 95% of our agricultural ingredients are already sustainably grown. We now want to act to gradually change our diet towards more diversity, more plants and more vegetables. Thanks to our products, recipes and advice, we want to help you make small daily changes that make all the difference. Together, let's build a better food future!
Marca: Panzani
Salsa di pomodoro cotta con funghi champignon, porcini e cipolle, aromatizzata SENZA GLUTINE
Marca: Saint Mamet
Cocktail di 4 frutti preparato con succo naturale di pesca e pera
Marca: Panzani
Salsa di pomodoro cotta con erbe di Provenza, aromatizzata
Dehydrated sauce.