Marca: Tipiak
Cuscuz aromatizado com especiarias de todo o mundo Embalagem TIPIAK 510g
Semente de cuscuz pré-cozida aromatizada com especiarias
Dehydrated beef flavored soup with vegetables, flavored.
Discover the delicious Dehydrated Beef Soup with Vermicelli Knorr ®. Rediscover the taste of local recipes in these dehydrated Knorr® soups thanks to a blend of beautiful vegetables and quality ingredients and Nutri-score B. A Nutri-score B dehydrated soup, without preservatives, coloring or flavor enhancers. Contained in a recyclable bag, this format allows you to make 4 bowls of soup. A comforting soup recipe ready in 6-8 minutes: pour the contents of the bag into 1 L of cold water then bring to the boil. Simmer for 6-8 min. It's ready! Also find in the terroir range: Knorr ® Minestrone with olive oil for 4 people 104 g, Knorr ® Forest Soup Mushrooms and Fried Onions for 3 people 85 g, Knorr ® Chicken flavor soup for 4 people 72 g... Do you know what dehydration is? Contrary to popular belief, dehydration has existed since the dawn of time: it is one of the oldest methods of preserving food! A dehydrated soup is a soup made from dehydrated ingredients reduced to powder. The raw materials are the same as in a traditional soup to cook, but they have received a special treatment to remove the water they contain. Carl Heinrich Knorr®, founder of the Knorr® brand, was one of the first to integrate this process into the manufacture of his soups, more than 175 years ago. Knorr® works for a sustainable food future for you and the planet.
Marca: Tipiak
Semente de cuscuz pré-cozida aromatizada com especiarias
Compota biológica de frutos vermelhos da Córsega CHARLES ANTONA
Pasta de avelã e cacau BONNE MAMAN o pote de 580g
Marca: Panzani
Molho de tomate cozido com cogumelos, cogumelos porcini e cebola, aromatizado SEM GLÚTEN
Marca: Maille
Molho com baixo teor de gordura (43%). Redução de gordura em 42% em comparação com um vinagrete clássico (75% de gordura) a 2.850 kJ / 680 kcal por 100 g.
Massa biológica Aveia ALPINA SAVOIE o pacote de 500 g
Marca: Saint Mamet
Lichias sem caroço em conserva
Marca: Panzani
Creme de leite fresco e molho 4 queijos, aromatizado
Dehydrated beef flavored soup with vegetables, flavored.