Secret d'Arômes Plein Sud seasoning powder Knorr ® is a blend of Mediterranean herbs and spices, aromatics that preserve all the natural flavors. This blend of aromatic herbs will bring a touch of Mediterranean flavors to all your dishes. It will allow you to twist your salads, meat skewers or even your dishes in sauces. Prepared without preservatives and without artificial coloring, it will quickly become a must-have in your kitchen! Also discover the tasty Secret d'Arômes Knorr® in maxi format 145 g. Wake up your preparations in a few minutes: sprinkle Secret d\u2019arômes® Plein sud from Knorr® at the end of cooking or directly on the plate and let the spices speak?! Discover the other Knorr® broths and culinary aids that will allow you to enhance your dishes, soups and soups. The secret to perfectly seasoned and tastier dishes, they will quickly become your secret to ever tastier cuisine. Knorr® is working towards a sustainable food future for you and the planet: More than 95% of our agricultural ingredients are already sustainably grown. We now want to take action to gradually change our diet towards more diversity, more plant-based and more vegetables. With our products, recipes and advice, we want to help you make small daily changes that make a big difference. Together, let's build a better food future!
Marca: Maille
Vinagre de vinho tinto com sabor de framboesa.
Marca: KNORR
Sopa desidratada
Deliciosa geléia de castanha Ardèche BIO VERGERS DES ALPILLES O pote de 370g
Pasta de avelã e cacau BONNE MAMAN o pote de 360g
Marca: MAGGI
cubos de caldo de legumes com sal reduzido MAGGI a caixa de 120g
Doce de morango orgânico VERGERS DES ALPILLES O pote de 370g
Marca: Maille
Vinagre de cidra com suco de maçã concentrado.
Mel de Franche-Comté REFLETS DE FRANCE o pote de 375g
Dehydrated seasoning.