100% natural ingredients What is it? ✓ good vegetables ✓ water ✓ natural ingredients And that's it! No coloring No preservatives² No flavor enhancers Rich in vegetables ²In accordance with regulations. Guaranteed quality Our vegetables are carefully selected and picked when ripe. With 30 years of know-how, we cook them in our factory near Avignon in Provence. To guarantee their conservation without any added preservatives, our soups are heated at high temperatures before being put in bricks. Our quality team checks our soups daily to guarantee the best products.
Cassoulet de pato JEAN LARNAUDIE a caixa de 1.350Kg
Marca: Liebig
Sopa de legumes (39%) com abóbora e queijo Kiri®.
Marca: Nos Régions ont du Talent
Frango Basquaise Nossas Regiões têm Talento o pote de 750g
Marca: Nos Régions ont du Talent
Coq au Vin de Bergerac Nossas regiões têm talento o pote de 750g
Marca: D'AUCY
Prato cozido de filé de salmão com azeda e tagliatelle D'AUCY A bandeja de 300 g
Prato cozido de bolinhos de vitela com molho financeiro PETIT JEAN a caixa de 400g
Marca: La belle Chaurienne
Prato Cassoulet com Pato LA BELLE CHAURIENNE a caixa de 840 g
Marca: Panzani
Ravioli de carne com molho aromatizado:
o pote de 530g líquido escorrido
Vegetable soup (42%)