Dessert bébé dès 8 Mois compote de pomme & fleur d'oranger BLEDINA
le lot de 4 coupelles de 100g
BLEDINA FRUIT CUP Apple Mango Passion Fruit 4x100g From 8 Months
Ingredients: Apple puree 84.9% - Mango puree 10.0% - Passion fruit puree 5.00% - Vitamin C.
Do not add sugar. Find our advice on baby's oral hygiene on our website Without pesticide residues: rates below 0.000001%, in accordance with the rules of infant nutrition…
Before opening, store at room temperature in a clean, dry place.
After opening, keep refrigerated and consume within 12 hours.
Consumer service: Blédina consumer service 81 rue de Sans Souci 69576 LIMONEST Cedex LIMONEST . Operator department: bledina SAS - CS13754 81 rue de Sans Souci 69576 LIMONEST Cedex LIMONEST
Suitable for consumers who choose a diet limiting gluten intake (gluten is a set of proteins present in the seeds of certain cereals: mainly wheat, rye, barley, oats). The mention "gluten-free" is strictly governed by European legislation: it can only be indicated on products containing no more than 20 mg/kg of gluten.
Suitable for consumers who choose to follow a lactose-free diet (lactose is a "milk sugar", a carbohydrate found in milk and dairy products).
Suitable for consumers who choose a "vegetarian" diet excluding animal products with the exception of eggs and dairy products.
According to European legislation, "0% fat" products do not contain more than 0.5 g of fat per 100 g or 100 ml of product.
le lot de 4 coupelles de 100g
le lot de 4 coupelles de 100g
Marque: HiPP
Plat bébé dès 15 mois lasagnes à la bolognaise Bio La mamma HIPP l'assiette de 250g
Marque: HiPP
Repas bébé dès 6 mois jardinière de légumes saumon Petits mijotés HIPP les 2 pots de 190g
le paquet de 4 pots de 130g
le lot de 4 pots de 100g
Marque: HiPP
Dessert bébé crème bananes cacao bio HIPP les 4 pots de 100g
Marque: HiPP
Produit Bio Petits pots bébé dès 8 mois risotto de légumes Bio Mon dîner bonne nuit HIPP les 2 pots de 190g
Marque: HiPP
Lait bébé en poudre dès 6 mois 2ème âge - FLM Combiotic HIPP la boîte de 800g
Marque: HiPP
Lait bébé en poudre epaissi dès0-6 mois 1er âge - NUTRIGEST Combiotic HIPP la boîte de 800g
les 2 bols de 200 g